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Organizations Overview

The list of your organizations is displayed on the left sidebar of the 8base Home. Clicking an organization brings you to the Organization Home. Here, you will find a description, a list of available projects, and access to settings and team management tools. Organization home page

Organization Settings

In the Organization Home, click the menu on the left to open your Settings. You can also choose to Leave Organization.

Organization home context menu

There are three main sections: General, Team, and Billing.


General displays the organization name, description, category, and Organization ID. Your Organization ID is used for support queries.

Administrators and the Owner can edit the organization name, description, and icon. When you change the name or description, remember to click Save Changes.

Click the organization icon on the left to change the icon. If you have never added an icon, a blank folder will display.

Organization General settings page


The Team section acts as a control center for managing members, their access levels, and respective project/environment assignments. For more information, see Organization Team Management.

Team Management overview page


The Billing section offers a comprehensive view of your organization's billing plan, usage, payment details, and billing history. For more information, see Organization Billing.

Organization Billing page