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Pagenated Queries

In the following examples, we have a table called Posts, which contains fields and relations like title, body, author.

Using pagination in queries

The arguments skip and first get used for pagination.

first specifies the number of rows to pass from the result set and skip determines which slice to retain from the results.


query {
* First consider 0 as the starting slice of paginated rcords. As this
* number is increased, the prior results leave out previously fetched
* records. (i.e., skip 0 -> skip 3 -> skip 6 -> skip 9...)
postsList(skip: 0, first: 3) {
items {


"data": {
"postsList": {
"items": [
"title": "Awesome Possum"
"title": "A Sunset and Waves"
"title": "Vapor Distilled Water for All"