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Auth Module

The Auth module is used to quickly enable user authentication and sign-up in 8base developer's client applications.


Before setting up Auth using the SDK, you must have first created an Authentication Profile.


Dependent on a workspace's subscription tier, 8base provides several ways to implement authentication in client application. These include 8base Authentication, Auth0, or an OpenID provider. The SDKs Auth module is intended to help in setting up and in managing different authentication flow.

When initializing the Auth module, an auth strategy needs to be specified.

Auth Strategies

All required settings values for initializing the Auth module can be collected from an Authentication Profile created in the 8base console.


The AUTH0_AUTH strategy is the simpliest method by which to set up authentication in client applications. This is the strategy you need to specify when an Authentication Profile is using "8base Authentication" or "Your Auth0 Account" as the authentication type.

import Auth from '8base-sdk/auth';

const Auth0Config = {
strategy: "AUTH0_AUTH"
/* Strategy settings */
settings: {
/* 8base Authentication Profile ID */
/* Client ID */
/* Auth domain */
/* Allowed login redirect */
redirectUri: `${window.location.href}/WHITELISTED/REDIRECT/PATH`,
/* Allowed logout url */
logoutRedirectURI: `${window.location.href}/WHITELISTED/LOGOUT/PATH`

/* Configure 8base SDK */
export default new Auth(Auth0Config);


The CUSTOM_AUTH strategy is used when the Authentication Profile is set to "OpenID" as the authentication type.

import Auth from '8base-sdk/auth';

const OpenIDConfig = {
strategy: 'CUSTOM_AUTH',
/* Strategy settings */
settings: {
/* 8base Authentication Profile ID */

/* Configure 8base SDK */
export default new Auth(OpenIDConfig);


Navigates app user to the Hosted Login Page provided by the Auth provider.


* If the auth provider accepts options, two optional arguments can
* be specified that get passed to the authorize method.
* auth.authorize("provider_name", { ...options });


Sign/log out a user to invalidating their idToken. When used with AUTH0_AUTH strategy, this will result in a redirect to the configured redirectUrl.


* If the auth provider accepts options, options can
* be specified that get passed to the signOut method.
* auth.signOut({ ...options });


Retrieve the current logged in user's session data.

const { idToken } = await auth.currentUser();


AUTH0_AUTH ONLY - Refresh the user's idToken and refreshToken.

const { idToken, refreshToken } = await auth.refreshToken();