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File picker for React

For React developers 8base SDK provides the @8base-react/file-input package that automates the steps described here. If you're looking for an easy way to integrate file uploading capabilities into your application read the Client Tools section.

8base provides a native file management capability. You can attach files to your data object by creating a field of type File. A File field can store one or multiple files. You can manage granular files permissions just like you would for any other table.

In the GraphQL API Files is just another table that supports all standard CRUD operations as well as connections to other tables. When you create a field of type File the platform creates a relationship (connection) between your table and the Files table under the hood. This allows you to use connection-related operations such as create, connect, disconnect on file-type fields.

8base is natively integrated with Filestack to handle file uploads, delivery and transformations. Filestack provides file handle, which is a unique identifier of the file inside Filestack. You provide Filestack handle when creating a File object in 8base.

The workflow of creating a file consists of the following steps:

  1. Get Filestack upload details

    You can use the fileUploadInfo query to get all fields required by Filestack to upload a file. It generates a temporary policy allowing you to upload a file to a predefined path, based on your workspace ID.

fileUploadInfo {
  1. Upload file to Filestack Use Filestack API or picker to upload the file using the parameters from the step 1. On successful upload Filestack returns file handle. You can learn more about uploading files directly to Filestack here. For React developers using the 8base SDK, it provides tools to simplify file uploads such that you never need to interact with Filestack directly.

  2. Create file in 8base Create file in 8base by passing the Filestack handle from step 2. You can either create a File object directly so you can later connect it to other tables:

mutation {
fileCreate(data: {
fileId: "<FILE_ID>" # Filestack handle here
filename: "<FILE_ID>"
}) {

or you can create and connect file at the same time:

mutation {
customerCreate(data: {
picture: {
create: {
fileId: "<FILE_ID>" # Filestack handle here
filename: "<FILE_ID>"
}) {

Filestack API

Filestack has API clients, Pickers and Framework integrations that make it easy to upload your files using a variety of different languages and frameworks. See the full list here. You will need to use the security credentials from the 8base GraphQL API to upload files to Filestack. This is how to upload a file to the API using a basic CURL request:

curl -X POST \
--data-binary @FILE_NAME_HERE \
--header "Content-Type:MIME_TYPE_HERE"

The success response should look similar to this:

"container": "8base-user-uploads-t2w73r32mzob09ve",
"url": "",
"filename": "temp.png",
"key": "production/cjnl1ykw1000601p65lhyxdno/cjrnmwgrd006p01pdt5zoejze/mBKjQeQ5RriwpSXhsDCv_temp.png",
"type": "image/png",
"size": 139976

In this case, your handle will be VJaeYGhMSJ2FJJnvSPx9, the last portion of "url".

React Native Support

Filestack does not have an SDK for React Native. See below for how to implement file uploads in React Native using the fetch() API and the ImagePicker API from Expo.

const handlePost = async () => {
const body = new FormData();

// files are required to be sent as multipart form data to Filestack api
body.append('fileUpload', {
name: 'test',
uri: `${this.state.file.replace('file://', '')}`,

const { fileUploadInfo } =;
const endoint = [

try {
const response = await fetch(endoint, {
method: 'POST',
body: body,

const responseJson = await response.json();

handle: responseJson.url.slice(33),
} catch (e) {
console.log('error', e);

// (...)

const _pickImage = async () => {
// Allow application access to Camera Roll
const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL);

// (...)

//The ImagePicker API from expo returns a URI, which we will use to access the file object to upload to Filestack.
let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
allowsEditing: true,
aspect: [4, 3],

if (!result.cancelled) {
this.setState({ file: result.uri });