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Sidebar Control

The Navigation Accelerator plays a pivotal role in controlling and organizing the sidebar navigation of your application. Let's delve into how the Navigation Accelerator manages and configures the sidebar structure, ensuring a user-friendly and intuitive navigation experience.

Benefits of Sidebar Control

  • Structural Organization: The Navigation Accelerator provides a structured approach to organize sidebar elements, improving the overall user experience.

  • Customization: It allows for easy customization of sidebar items, enabling developers to tailor navigation to the application's specific requirements.

  • Intuitive Navigation: A well-structured sidebar ensures that users can quickly and intuitively navigate through different sections of the application.

The sidebar structure is defined using a structured JSON object. Here is an excerpt of this configuration:

"items": [
"icon": "Home",
"path": "/",
"label": "Home",
"expanded": false,
"subitems": []
"identifier": "top"
"items": [
"icon": "Widgets",
"path": "/module-a",
"label": "Module A",
"expanded": false,
"subitems": []
"icon": "Widgets",
"path": "/module-b",
"label": "Module B",
"expanded": false,
"subitems": []
"icon": "Widgets",
"path": "/module-c",
"label": "Module C",
"expanded": false,
"subitems": []
"identifier": "middle"
"items": [
"icon": "Settings",
"path": "/settings/team-members",
"label": "Settings",
"expanded": false,
"subitems": [
"icon": "Group",
"path": "/settings/team-members",
"label": "Team Members",
"relatedPaths": [
"path": "/user/:id",
"label": "User Profile"
"identifier": "bottom"
// ...

Key Elements

  • Each sidebar section is represented as an object within the array.
  • The items property contains an array of sidebar items, each with properties like icon, path, label, expanded, and subitems.
  • The identifier is a unique identifier for each section.

Understanding the relatedPaths Key

Within the sidebar configuration, the relatedPaths key serves a vital role in defining the relationship between different navigation sections.

The relatedPaths feature enhances the navigation experience by allowing users to seamlessly switch between related sections without needing to return to a higher-level menu.

By using the relatedPaths key judiciously in your sidebar configuration, you can create a more intuitive and user-friendly navigation structure within your application.

The sidebar configuration defines the hierarchy of navigation elements, their labels, and links.


The relatedPaths key allows you to establish connections between related sections or pages within your application's navigation.

When a user navigates to a specific page represented by a path, the relatedPaths key defines other sections or pages that are closely related and accessible from that page.

Usage Example

Consider the scenario in which you have a Team Members section within your Settings area, as shown in the example configuration. In this case, you might want to provide quick access to individual user profiles from the Team Members section.

In the given example, when a user is viewing the Team Members section (path: /settings/team-members) and clicks on another user's profile (path: /user/:id), the relatedPaths key specifies that the User Profile should be included in the breadcrumb trail. This makes it easy for users to navigate back and forth between related sections.

The sidebar and breadcrumbs work together to create a seamless and user-friendly navigation experience. Here's how they depend on each other:

  • The sidebar configuration defines the hierarchy and structure of navigation elements.
  • Sidebar items determine the available routes and sections in your application.
  • A well-organized sidebar ensures users can easily locate and access different sections.
  • Breadcrumbs provide users with a clear trail of their navigation path.
  • They help users understand their current location within the application.
  • Breadcrumbs are generated based on the sidebar structure, ensuring consistency.

For more information, see Breadcrumbs Management.