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Using URL Params

This document describes how developers can leverage URL parameters in their App Builder projects.

Using URL Params

Dynamic URL parameters are when a URL's path contains a dynamic value. For example, in the following URL:

The value "123" would likely be a dynamic URL parameter for a path set to /users/:id. This kind of capability can be helpful when creating a single app Page that dynamically loads different data, think profiles for users, articles on a blog, or a specific task in a task management app.

Setting a URL Param

In App Builder, developers can take advantage of dynamic URL parameters by declaring it in a Page's settings using the following notation.


For example, in a blog app, you may want to dynamically load an article based on the article ID. In this case, your path for an Article page could look something like /article/:articleId. With this setup, when a user navigates to /article/123, the URL param articleId would be set to the value 123.

To access this parameter in your code, you'll be able to find it in the Page's State.

Things to Avoid

When using URL params, there are a few main things to avoid:

  • Don't use URL parameters for data that isn't dynamic. This applies mostly when creating nested pages. For example, if you have an app with Pages for /users and /articles, it would be incorrect to set the path of an /articles/:articleId page to something like /users/:userId/articles/:articleId. The URL param userId in this case would never change because the Page is a child of the /users Page.

  • Don't use URL parameters at the root of a path. All dynamic parameters should have a static value in front of them. For example, the following paths /:pageName or /:articleId are not valid as they would end up being catch-all paths.


Setting dynamic URL parameters in App Builder is a great way to create single-use pages that can load different data based on the value of a URL param. Keep in mind, however, to use URL parameters thoughtfully as misusing them could lead to issues down the road.