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Working with Custom Functions

Custom functions are developed in a local development environment and then deployed to a given workspace using the 8base CLI. All custom functions must be declared in your projects 8base.yml file.

There are four types of custom functions:

  • Resolvers: Resolvers fetch data from any data source, then transform that data into the shape you need. This means you can make custom queries and mutations. For example, you can build a resolver that queries the 8base GraphQL API for a user with a specific ID.
  • Webhooks: Webhooks are a system for how one server can notify another server when something happens. For example, if your app has a payment processing service, a webhook can notify your app of a successful payment by calling a given URL.
  • Triggers: Triggers let you automate actions when an incoming request matches specific conditions. For example, you could set a trigger that sends a welcome message when a new user is added to your app.
  • Tasks: Tasks are long-running operations that can be run based on a schedule or another function (such as a trigger). For example, you could schedule a task which sends an email every day at 5pm, listing all sales made.

Custom Function Arguments

All custom functions receive the same function arguments when invoked; event and ctx. These arguments are positional, so you can rename them.


When a custom function is invoked, 8base will attempt to parse the request body and query string to add any parsed values to attribute. However, the raw request body will always be available on at event.body. The event argument can be expected to have the following structure:

"event": {
"data": {
"arg1": "arg1 value",
"arg2": "arg2 value"
"headers": {
"x-header-1": "header value",
"x-header-2": "header value"
"body": "raw request body"


The context argument - ctx - exposes 8base GraphQL and other APIs. It can be used to run queries and mutations from inside the custom function and to call other functions.

// Code...
ctx.api.gqlRequest(QUERY, { ...variables });

The gqlRequest method accepts an optional options object as it's third argument. On that options object, the checkPermissions option is available. By default, checkPermissions=true and any query run from inside the function gets scoped to the requester's permissions. When set to false, the query runs without checking permissions.

if (runWithRolesEnforced) {
ctx.api.gqlRequest(QUERY, VARIABLES);
} else if (runWithoutRolesEnforced) {
ctx.api.gqlRequest(QUERY, VARIABLES, { checkPermissions: false });

For security reasons, checkPermissions is ONLY available from within custom functions. It cannot be used when making requests from client applications.

As opposed to using the checkPermissions option, API Tokens associated with defined roles can be used to permission gqlRequest calls. This ability accommodates situations where permissions are required, but not in the context of the requesting user. To accomplish this, the API Token can be added as a bearer token to the call.

await ctx.api.gqlRequest(QUERY, VARIABLES, {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer <MY_API_TOKEN>',


All custom functions types have a default maximum execution of 20 seconds. After the execution time limit is reached, the execution times out and returns an error.

If you need more than 20 seconds of continuous execution, you can increase your timeout up to 900 seconds by specifying it in 8base.yml. Check out the example in 8base Config.

In some cases, you can reach a timeout when executing several functions sequentially. In order not to await them, you can spawn background tasks using the context.invokeFunction API in Tasks.

Sometimes your function reaches the 20 second limit and also must be executed sequentially. In that case, to not spread the logic of the function across multiple tasks you could make one task and run it multiple times in a recursive manner as shown below:

// Create `myLongTask` that contains all your logic
module.exports = async (event, ctx) => {
const { param1, param2, param3, subtask = 'operation1' } =;

switch (subtask) {
case 'operation1': {
// first part of the long-run task
// run the next part
await ctx.invokeFunction(
subtask: 'operation2',
param2: 'world',
waitForResponse: false,
case 'operation2': {
// second part of the long-run task
// run the next part
await ctx.invokeFunction(
subtask: 'operation3',
param3: '!!!',
waitForResponse: false,
case 'operation3': {
// third part of the long-run task
default: {
throw new Error(`Subtask ${subtask} not found`);

return {
data: {
result: `${subtask}: done`,

// In some other custom function run that task
await ctx.invokeFunction(
param1: 'Hello',
waitForResponse: false,

Managing Dependencies

8base deploys custom functions to a Node.js 14 runtime environment in which any compatible NPM dependencies are supported. On deploy, the system will check whether or not your dependencies have been installed and handle that accordingly. As expected, deploys run significantly faster when dependencies are installed locally. Feel free to use either NPM or Yarn as your package manager during development.

Best Practices

When in development, custom functions can be invoked locally for testing purposes.

Using the 8base generate command is recommended when creating new functions. Doing so provides a recommended folder structure that helps keep everything organized when developing custom functions locally, including a mocks directory and management of the 8base.yml file.

$ 8base generate resolver findPossumly

=> Updated file 8base.yml
Created file src/resolvers/findPossumly/handler.ts
Created file src/resolvers/findPossumly/mocks/request.json
Created file src/resolvers/findPossumly/schema.graphql

Boom! Your new findPossumly function has been successfully generated.
To add any required settings, check out its configuration block in your projects 8base.yml file.

Inside a functions handler.(js|ts) file the command that is needed to begin invoking the function locally get generated automatically, along with the required resources for its execution. The benefit of this is the ability to quickly test your functions locally using the CLI and a well-defined request object.

* src/resolvers/findPossumly/handler.ts
* To invoke this function locally, run:
* 8base invoke-local findPossumly -p src/resolvers/findPossumly/mocks/request.json

// Code...