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Common Component Properties

The properties listed in this section are common to all components. Properties that are unique to a component are listed as part of the component's documentation.

Conditional Rendering

The Conditional Rendering property takes any valid expression and is used to render the component, and its children, if the expression evaluates to true.


A Class defines one or more attribute values for a component. Each attribute value is defined by a set of styles, such as the error example below.

.error {
font-weight: bold;
color: red;
align-content: center;

Two important points about classes.

  1. A list of classes must contain a space between each class.
  2. Classes are case-sensitive.

JavaScript and CSS can access specific elements through its class via class selectors or the DOM method (document.getElementsByClassName).

For more detail on the Class property, see the Mozilla developer docs.


The Draggable property indicates whether a component can be dragged via native browser behavior or the HTML Drag and Drop API.

For more detail on the Draggable property, see the Mozilla developer docs.


The Id defines an identifier (ID) that must be unique across the entire application. The Id identifies a component when linking, scripting or styling (using CSS).

The Id's value may not contain whitespace characters such as space, tab, line feed (LF) or carriage return (CR).

For more detail on the Id property, see the Mozilla developer docs.


The Language property identifies the language of a component.

The lang attribute will not be added to the component, if the Language property is empty.

For more detail on the Language property, see the Mozilla developer docs.

Local States

The Local States property is a custom state, request or function connected to a component. It is only accessible from the component or its children.


The Title property contains text that identifies the content in a component, iframe, or data table.

A title's primary purpose, when used as a label for an iframe, is to identify the element for assistive devices such as screen readers.

For more information on the Title property, see the Mozilla developer docs.


The Translate property indicates whether a component's translatable attribute values and text node children should be translated by translation tools such as Google translate.

For more detail on the Translate property, see the Mozilla developer docs.