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Project Structure

When you use the 8base CLI to create a new project with all of the default options, it will create a directory structure similar to this:

Building a new project called ExampleProject 🚀

├── .workspace.json
├── 8base.yml
├── package.json
└── src
├── resolvers
│ └── resolver
│ ├── handler.ts
│ ├── mocks
│ │ └── request.json
│ └── schema.graphql
├── tasks
│ └── task
│ ├── handler.ts
│ └── mocks
│ └── request.json
├── triggers
│ └── trigger
│ ├── handler.ts
│ └── mocks
│ └── request.json
└── webhooks
└── webhook
├── handler.ts
└── mocks
└── request.json

🎉 Project ExampleProject was successfully created 🎉

All of the dependencies can be installed using npm or yarn. The 8base CLI comes with Webpack and TypeScript pre-configured. This allows you to write code in JavaScript or TypeScript in your custom functions, as well as use async/await.

Following this project structure is a best practice. Your work will stay organized and get the most out of 8base's CLI. For example, the CLI's generator commands are convenient for scaffolding new resources and will add generated files using the pattern seen above (src/<functionType>/<functionName>/**/*).

Server vs Client​

It is very common for developers to commit their server-side and client-side code to the same git repository. In such situations, we suggest cleanly seperating the two directories at the project's root level. This will prevent a number of errors that would otherwise occure when installing dependencies and deploying code.

Try using the following directory structure when committing server-side and client-side code to the same git repository:

├── client/
└── server/
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